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Senior High Workcamp (July 12-18)

"Whoever speaks must do so as one speaking the very words of God; whoeverserves must do so with thestrengt that God supplies..." -1 Peter 4:11

Cindy Laprade and Beth Rhodes were the coordinators this year for the 2004 Church of the Brethren Youth & Young Adult Workcamps.  The theme for all the workcamps was "Voices that Challenge."  Each day we were confronted by a word that challenged us including: Consumerism, Oppression, Apathy, and Faith.

In our Song & Reflection Book we were given some things to think about...

  • More than 840 million people in the world are malnourished- 799 million of them are from the developing world.
  • 6 million children under the age of 5 die every year as a result of hunger.
  • In the United States, 13 million children live in the households where people have to skip meals or eat less to make ends meet.  That means one in ten households in the U.S. are living with hunger or at risk of hunger.
  • The United Nations Development Program estimates that the basic health and nutrition needs of the world's poorest people could be met for an additional billion a year.  Animal lovers in the U.S. and Europe spend more than that on pet food each year.
  • Of the 6.2 billion people in today's world, 1.2 billion live on less than $1 per day.
  • The richest 5% of the world's people have incomes 114 times that of the pooest 5%.
  • Each day in the developing world, more than 30, 000 children die from mostly preventable and treatable causes such as diarrhea, acute respiratory infections, measles, or malaria.
  • 12 million people die each year from lack of water, including 3 million children from waterborne disease; 1.1 billion lack access to clean water; 2.4 billion live without decent sanitation; and 4 billion without wastewater disposal.
  • More than 113 million children in the developing world are without access to basic education; 60% of them are girls.   

Senior High Updates

Doughnut Breakfast (August 1)

Senior highs are requested to be at the church by 9:00 a.m. on these Sundays to set up the Fellowship Hall.

Senior HIgh to Stretch Body and Soul

Class time for senior high will begin at 9:45 a.m. with a game of Twister, the game that stretches and twists bodies into shapes directed by the spin of the color wheel.  At 10:00 a.m. the wheel will be spun to select the topic for soul stretching from a list of spiritual gifts.  Pastor Fitzgerald will lead this class and reminds senior high to wear "twister-appropriate" clothing.

Local Service Projects

Jim Hobbs, Senior High Youth Rap Assistant is coordinating day service projects for neighbors and members that need a little assistance around the home and yard.  Youth and interested adults will share in tasks that help make a house a make home.  See Jim to volunteer.

Pool Party Planned

A pool party is being planned to wrap up te summer activities for the third week in August.  Rising 9th graders will be invited to join the senior high for this picnic and swim.

"War's Cry"

War brings the kiss of death and is a dream shattered.
Does no one mourn?
Why is this want of blood still here?
Does death not bring hand to start another war?
When we stand at the gates of heaven it will be to late to change this sin! Why are hearts still broken and the cries still flame, and the ashes of cities burn like the gates of hell.
Do we choose to continue this?
Woe for we will destroy ourselves in hatred if we don't sing out together so we may live forever.

-an original poem by Chris Akers

Getting to know... AMY RHODES

Amy Rhodes Divulges Secrets


Amy Rhodes Divulges Secrets

If able to give every member of Manassas Church of the Brethren my "story" individually, I would divulge the following five sections of information:

  • I have always called Roanoke aand the mountains of southwest Virginia homa, and probably will as long as such a large concentration of my family lives in the area.
  • In the fall I'll enter my third year at James Madison University, the school about ten miles north of Bridgewater, as I've heard it called.  Writing has always been a passion of mine, which I express in my English major, and my CInema Studies major allows me to indulge in my love of movies.  I'm hoping to add a Women's Stuies minor in the fall, which is essentially a psychological, historical, and sociological look at the role of genders in our culture.  It's an odd collection of studies, I must admit, but each fits my personality well.
  • My favorite things, so to speak, are music, movies, and food.  My music tastes are eclectic- I enjoy listening to almost every type out there.  I love tons of movies, but a few of my favorites are Amelie, Life As A House, and Eternal Sunshine of the SPotless Mind.  And as for foods, lasagna and chicken are two favorites, and anything with chocolate is automatically delicious.
  • I came to Manassas Church of the Brethren through Ministry Summer Service, a Church of the Brethren Youth/Young Adult program for college students.  I entered the program not because I felt a certain calling to ministry, but because I have many questions concerning faith and would like to explore them.  I hope this summer is one of learning and new experiences, both for the church and myself.
  • A proper introduction of myself would not be complete without an introduction of my family.  My father, Harry, is an Estate Planning attorney in Roanoke.  Becky, my mom, is assosiate pastor at Williamson Road Church of the Brethren.  My older sister Beth serves in BVS coordinating youth workcamps, and my younger brother Alan will be a sophomore in high school in the fall.


Come join us at 10:00 a.m for Sunday School and 11:00 a.m for the Church Service.